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    Select from our range of plans tailored to your needs, whether you're focused on research, selling, or staying ahead of the competition with combination of both plus more.

    Research plan

    For Market Research

    $39 /month
    • Extensive data access
    • Unlimited searches
    • Comprehensive NSN detail
    • CAGE code insights
    • Historical data
    • Personalized views
    • Advanced AI search features
    Get started


    For Selling

    $149 /month
    • Get access to Government buyers
    • Create your Seller Profile
    • Enhance product presentation
    • Directly link products in the OpenFLIS platform to your online store or website
    Get started


    For Competitive Advantage

    $499 /month
    • Everything on the Research Plan
    • Everything on the Everglade
    • Up to $1,000/month in credits for product promotion
    • Increased visibility with company logo on
    Get started

    Boost Your Business With Our API Plan

    Integrate our comprehensive research platform directly into your existing systems to enhance efficiency and streamline operations.

    Get started
    • Enhanced efficiency
    • Easy REST API integration
    • All features of Research Plan
    • Comprehensive data access
    • Generous transaction limit*
    *Up to 10,000 transactions/month. Additional fees may apply if you exceed the 10,000 transactions per month limit.

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    Trusted by Vendors Worldwide

    Synergetics' exceptional technical and quality performance throughout the PoP demonstrate they truly care about their product as well as their customer service.

    - Government buyer

    Their technical acumen and commitment to quality drove them to identify, research, and help correct discrepancies in the source data to ensure they delivered the best possible end product.

    - Government buyer

    Synergetics was 24 out of 24 in delivering [official NSN catalog] products on time and typically delivered products early to allow for advance distribution and/or customer processing.

    - Government buyer

    Synergetics provided key historic information to allow the FLIS PMO to successfully trademark the [official NSN catalog] products.

    - Government buyer

    Synergetics created a commercial DVD production capability from scratch in less than 45 days.

    - Government buyer

    Synergetics' work to source Tailored Data Products from an alternative data warehouse enabled the FLIS PMO to reduce mainframe processing, generating $1.2M in CPU cost savings.

    - Government buyer

    Government cost savings generated by Synergetics have no direct bearing on their contract. They nonetheless committed resources to finding cost-effective solutions.

    - Government buyer

    Synergetics remediated all ACAS findings within the specified time frame, ensuring that support systems were safe and secure.

    - Government buyer

    Synergetics provided download heat maps allowing the FLIS PMO to work with DLA Intel & Cybersecurity to ensure data security.

    - Government buyer

    Given what I know today about the contractor's ability to perform in accordance with this contract or order's most significant requirements, I would recommend them for similar requirements in the future.

    - Government buyer