Expand Your Government Market Reach

Unlock access to a larger base of Government buyers actively seeking your products. Our platform brings together a vast network of Government agencies actively in the market research stage of their parts and product procurement, helping you increase your visibility and revenue.

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    Amplify Your Visibility

    Stand out in front of over 300,000 military users and actively purchasing Government buyers. Leverage our platform to display your products and services before they make it to the rest of your competition.

    Win More Contracts

    Build trust with Government buyers by promoting your company and products at the very moment a Government buyer is researching the products you offer. Plus gain credibility within the Department of Defense network by providing your unique specifications and terms. Give your company a competitive edge.

    Hyper-Targeted Marketing

    Say goodbye to wasting money on generalized Government targets on platforms like Google Ads. Instead, get in front of our highly targeted network of actively searching Government buyers. You can secure business opportunities with higher visibility of your company when they need you the most.

    Flexible Subscription Options

    Choose the subscription that fits your needs; showcases your products and link it to your selling platform or access our catalog for up-to-date market research.

    From researching products to getting in front of your competition, tailor your experience to your specific needs.

    Try our platform for free and start amplifying your visibility today

      What Our Clients Say

      “Synergetics was 24 out of 24 in delivering [official NSN catalog] products on time and typically delivered products early to allow for advance distribution and/or customer processing.”

      - Government buyer

      “Synergetics was 24 out of 24 in delivering [official NSN catalog] products on time and typically delivered products early to allow for advance distribution and/or customer processing.”

      - Government buyer

      “Synergetics was 24 out of 24 in delivering [official NSN catalog] products on time and typically delivered products early to allow for advance distribution and/or customer processing.”

      - Government buyer

      “Synergetics was 24 out of 24 in delivering [official NSN catalog] products on time and typically delivered products early to allow for advance distribution and/or customer processing.”

      - Government buyer

      Our Platform
      by the Numbers


      Government buyers

      15+ million



      annual product flow

      Industry Insights and Updates


      The U.S. Army’s Continued Reliance on FEDLOG: Importance, Enhancements, and Integration


      The Evolution and Impact of the NSN System and OpenFLIS Online Catalog


      Revolutionizing DoD Procurement: Embracing a Centralized Third-Party Marketplace for NSN Products